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The 3 Most Famous Traders of All Time

Each day thousands of transactions are made by traders around the world, but let us admit that most of them will never be remembered throughout the history. In fact, a trade needs to be incredibly “epic” in order to become a part of the history. A great trade does not signify that a trader should make a large amount of money, but it does signify that a trader should use all his cunning, skills and intuition to find or grasp the right moment to strike, even when everyone else gives up. The history is full of cases of “epic trades” and there are really great traders who have left their footprints in the world of finance and their names are now related to the trading strategies which can lead to success. Now let us get acquainted with the three great traders of all time.
Top 3 Traders in the Wolrd
1. George Soros: Born in 1930, George Soros is perhaps the most famous trader in the world. He started is astonishing financial career in 1954, in London after leaving Hungary during the Second World War. In 1970, he founded the Soros Fund Management, which brought him more than $40 billion in the last few decades.
Soros gained his popularity in 1992 when he sold 1 billion dollars in British pound getting a net profit of 10 billion dollars and became known as “the man who broke the Bank of England”. This remarkable trade has made Soros one of the greatest traders of all time.
2. Jesse Livermore: Jesse Livermore (1877- 1940) was considered to be one of the most famous Wall Street traders in the early 20 the century. Livermore was an active stock trader during the stock market crashes of 1907 and 1929, which brought him a large amount of money. In 1929, during the stock market crash, which was considered the most important economic event in the U.S. during the 20th century, Livermore managed to amass more than $100 million and a few years later lost all his fortune. In fact, in the course of his trading career, he lost millions of dollars just as quickly as he earned them. A lot has changed and many years have passed since his suicide, but Livermore is still in the list of the most famous traders of all time.
3. William Delbert Gann: Born in 1949, in Chicago, Richard Dennis has been widely recognized as one of the most famous commodities traders in the world. Dennis made a mark in the world of commodities as a trader, who managed to turn the borrowed money ($1600) into $200 million fortune over ten years. Together with his partner William Eckhardt, Richard Denies created the Turtle Trading experiment which gained much popularity. They say that after the stock market crash of 1987, Richard Dennis retired from trading for several years.
The successful stories of famous traders give us inspiration and prove once again that anyone can achieve his goals in case of desire and diligence.